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Medium Projects - upto 500m²

Safety Data
Attractive road median paving

This method is suitable for large open areas, the ability to transport and handle 200kg drums may be necessary and at least 2 or 3 people are required for installation.

Set up is important, so attach a tap to the drum and pre drill 1 or 2 20ltr tubs with 3 rows of 2-3mm holes. The size of holes will depend on the temperature of the day as that will impact the fluidity of the resin. Always trial a small area first.

Use an additional tub to transfer resin from the drum to the pre drilled tubs at the point of pouring.

Simply walk the tub over the area requiring a pour. Monitor the area being covered to ensure optimum coverage and required spread rates are achieved. It is best to lightly apply first, then apply a second and even third coat after the initial pour has fully cured - this should take about 24 hours.

Min. 2 Person application

Amber Pour On - use with darker tones including gold, brown, black and dark grey.

​Clear Pour On- use with lighter tones including white, light grey and cream

You will need:

1 x drill

1 x 2.0mm drill bit

1 x 3.0mm drill bit

1 x rubbish bag

1 x impervious ground sheet

1-3 x 20ltr bucket

Protective clothing

PPE (gloves, goggles)

StoneSet Permeable Paving

9/79 Newton Road, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

1300 392 155

NSW Winners - StoneSet
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